Saturday, July 2, 2022

E-paths 50 years anniversary meeting

Today a celebration of 50 years of E-parhs, and a boat trip down the Bodensee.

After leaving Fischerhaus camping I walked through an avenue of young plane trees and by some enigmatic sculptures to return to Konstanz. I found members of the European Ramblers Association (ERA) committee  preparing for the meeting to celebrate the E-paths anniversary on the terrace of the Council building, a historic setting as the building was some 500 years old. The first European Long Distance Paths were a little younger at 50 years old and the E1, E5 and E4 all pass close by. Those attending were led to a plaque celebrating the foundation of the E-paths among the trees in the nearby Stadtgarten. After the president of the ERA stood for pictures beneath the sign we returned to the Council Building. On the way video was taken of various people answering questions about the E-paths for social media, including me!  On the terrace a jazz band played "Oh when the saints, go marching in" and there were various speeches. In one I was awarded a certificate for walking the E4. Then there was some food and drink. Everyone was very friendly and I was able to meet people I had corresponded with or seen on Zoom. I even gave an interview for local radio!

The Council building at Konstanz.

I left to catch the 12:40 boat to Bregenz. A lovely trip under clear, blue skies passing close to sailing boats, their sails made brilliant white by the reflected sunlight. The many lakeside towns the vessel stopped at had pretty houses with steeply pitched red roofs and dormer windows, old churches in various styles, and castles, interspersed with more modern buildings. Sunlight sparkled off the water. In the distance to the south and west, mountains rose, grey blue in the haze, some of which I would climb tomorrow. 


My campsite at Bregenz was again beside the Bodensee, and the afternoon was hot, making me determined to have a short swim. Possibly a mistake, the nearby beach was very pebbly and I struggled to stay upright with my sensitive feet. Still, the water and subsequent shower was very refreshing. 

After a beer, salad and schnitzel I took a walk along the lakeshore, watching people enjoying the Saturday evening. The sun hung low in the sky, silhouetting groups around barbeques, drinking a few beers and bathing (obviously with tougher feet than me).  Still warm, without wind, many were in their swimming costumes revealing tanned bodies. Older (fully dressed) couples walked along quietly hand in hand. The troubles of the world seemed far away. 

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